I haven't been tagged exactly, but as my friend
Groovey Crafts mentioned me in her tagged items, I thought I might as well add my facts on my blog...
There are a few little rules to mention....
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Well here are my 7 facts..
1. I am a qualified chartered accountant and have been since 2002. I have only been working part time since my daughter was a year old and that has suited us all really well.
2. I have been with my husband for 12 years since I was 18, and we were married in 2005 - 8 years after we met. We spent our honeymoon in Whistler Canada, and Waikiki, Hawaii.
3. I enjoy thriller movies and books - the gorier the better (excluding the SAW series as the first one really freaked me out!)
4. I HATE Friends (the TV series) with a Passion and can't sand it being on!!!
5. I enjoy horseriding and go once a fortnight at a local riding stables. I used to loan a 14hh blue roan cob when I was younger, called Jimbo, from the riding school I worked at. He bit and kicked but never got me!
6. I don't have any pets as we lost our cat Tigger 3 years ago now. We have no plans for any more in the near future, although I fancy getting a rabbit when Leah is a bit older!
7. hmmmm, what for the final fact?? I am a total tea addict and love a good cuppa! I hate it when I am abroad and can't get a decent cup - the first one back home is always the best!
now for the people I am tagging (hope you don't mind!)
Creative HandsCotton & CloudUnder The HedgerowLizzie JaneRoo KnitsJoJo-CaramelRachael rabbit