23 February 2011

Look what I made!

It's not that often that I experiment with making something completely new, but last week I did.

I made some lovely bath bombs and I was so pleased with the results. I think that Leah aand I will be making some of these later in the year for Christmas presents, especially as she will be at school and everyone seems to give their teachers a gift these days.


Bubbles said...

I wouldn't know where to start but they look great.

I'm actually finding compared to when I first worked in a school and now people hardly give presents anymore... even Christmas cards seem to be disappearing.

LizzieJane said...

Your bath bombs look wondeful. They are so much fun in the bathtub!

Busy little Bee said...

Hi Esther, what cute bath bombs, I didn't know you can make them yourself. =) Great gifts indeed. Didn't know teachers got anything other than apples though. ;o) LOL!

Have a nice weekend!
Hugs Bee